I bought the first version of the token, what must i do now?
You just have to add the new contract address ( 0xdf4110b7e785c52bd2ff5696e73b1a9c1a5125cf ) to your wallet, and the new tokens will show.
What is the real circulating supply?
Listings like Coingecko take into account locked tokens and subtracts them, but poocoin adds them. The total supply is only 21M, most of it will be locked. Our circulating supply is right now of around 1.8M in control of holders. The wallet created for devs, marketing and shares are locked, since we don't have to sell to move the project forward. If you want to take only the holders into account (since the dev don't have to sell), the marketcap would be 1.8M x price. If you want to calculate using the full circulating supply, around 4.5M x price. The rest is locked and can be checked in the holders list. If you want to calculate it using all minted tokens, but remember not all are circulating, 21M x price.
Why is the price so high?
We didn't want to have an initial price so low that it couldn't be used in the future for the payment of services. There'd be a psychological wall if you had to pay one million two hundred thousand MFS for services. Once the service is deployed, part of the used tokens will be burnt, so the supply will get lower and lower each time. We are also reserving part of the supply for cross chain and internal services.
Will the devs sell their tokens to kickstart the project?
No. Our shares will stay locked during these phase, same with the percentages that would initially go to marketing and other expenses. We are developing the project thanks to a big external investment and our own funds.
Doesn't a project like this need more people than the profiles shown here, specially devs?
The profiles shown here are part of our core team and founders. As our CEO said in videos, the development will be done by our technology partner, and we are already preparing the final contracts and how to move forward, and we'll announce everything in due time. It won't be just a person or two coding. Nevertheless, we'll be managing the whole project at all times, setting goals, conditions, and auditing the source, as we've done from the start
Are you auditing the contract?
Yes, we'll be auditing the contract. For now, the source has been verified in bscscan, and you can check it. We've fixed some things that were in Rfi based contracts (like the possibility of changing fees, even to 100%, that still exist in some big projects, and removed unneeded loops), but the source has been tested before. You can even compare some recently very known audits from Certik with our code, and you'll see that some of the flaws were fixed on our side before the launch.